Partial Board Contract
This horse boarding agreement is being entered into this _____ day of ________________, in the year _______________, by and Between Hillside Stable LLC, hereinafter referred to as Ê»Stableʼ, providing services as an independent contractor located at 267 Jobs Hill Road Ellington, CT, and ___________________________________, hereinafter referred to as Ê»Ownerʼ, residing at (owner’s address) ______________________________________________________________.
A. In consideration of $475 per horse per month paid by OWNER on or before the
1st day of each month, STABLE agrees to board the herein described horse on a month to month basis commencing ____________, 20_ _. Partial months boarding shall be paid on a pro-rate based on the numbers of days boarded in a standard 30 day month.
B. Boarding fees paid after the 7th day of the month subject to $35 late fee.
C. A fee of $40 will be charged if a check is returned for insufficient funds.
D. In the event said payment is overdue by 30 days or more, Stable shall be entitled to exert a lien against said horse, and the property upon the premises as more further described below, for any amounts due, and shall be entitled to enforce said lien and foreclose its interest against said horse and/or equipment for the amount due in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut.
E. Additional Expenses: Owner is responsible for all additional expenses; the cost of hay, grain, bedding, supplements, medicines, veterinary care (emergency and routine), hoof trimming/shoeing, teeth floating, etc.
F. Monthly boarding / other fees are subject to change with a 30 day notice.
G. Either party may terminate board agreement with 30 days written notice.
H. In the event that the OWNERS horse shows signs of aggression or other dangerous behavior, STABLE can terminate this agreement with 2 weeks written notice.
I. OWNER represents and warrants that they are the owner of horse, or that they have express authority of the owner of horse to enter into this agreement and to house horse with Stable. If the undersigned is not the owner of horse, the undersigned nonetheless agrees to be fully bound by the terms of this agreement, and liable for all sums hereunder.
Registered Name:_______________________________________________________
Barn Name:____________________________________________________________
Age: ________________________________________________________________
Insurance carrier, policy and phone number (if applicable):_______________________
Value of horse: _________________________________________________________
Stable agrees to provide the following, in addition to normal and reasonable care and handling to maintain the health and well being of the horse. Owner acknowledges Owner has inspected the facilities and finds same in safe and proper condition.
A. Stable agrees to provide a matted stall that will be cleaned by Owner a minimum of once daily. For the well being of Horse if the Owner fails to clean the stall or make arrangements with Stable to clean the stall, Stable has the right to clean the stall without prior notice to Owner, the following day. Owner will be charged a cleaning fee of $15.00. Stable will use bedding provided by Owner, in the event that Owner does not have any bedding supplies at Stable, Stable will use their own bedding, and Owner will be charged the current price per bag of bedding necessary to clean stall.
B. Owner is responsible for cleaning out Horse’s turnout area. If Horse has individual turnout area, it must be cleaned a minimum of three (3) times weekly. If Horse is in a group turnout area, Owner is responsible for cleaning the turnout once weekly. If Owner fails to keep turnout area reasonably clean as determined by Stable, Stable will give Owner written notice that the area must be cleaned. If Owner fails to clean it in a 24 hour period Stable has the right to clean it. Owner will be charged a fee of $15.00.
C. Stable is responsible for turning horse out and in.
D. Stable will provide 2 flakes of grass mix hay per feeding (Twice Daily). Stable will administer grain and supplements provided by Owner at no extra charge. Stable will always provide fresh water . Owner is responsible for keeping the water buckets clean.
E. Stable has the right to use reasonable and customary restraints and training implements to move Horse should they be necessary if, for example, horse refuses to move or becomes a danger to itself or others. Further, if Horse becomes a danger to itself or others, Stable has the right to refuse to interact with Horse.
F. Stable will provide regular blanket changes at no additional charge. Stable will also apply fly spray or fly masks / sheets if needed. These items must be provided by Owner, and Owner must instruct stable to do so.
G. Hours of visitation: Owner, their veterinarian, farrier, visitors/guests, ect, have access to Horse and Stable during the hours of 8 AM to 8 PM daily. No one is allowed on Stable property after those hours, unless special permission is granted by Stable.
H. Owner has unlimited use of indoor and outdoor arenas, stable and round pen during Stables hours of operation, but agrees to be respectful to lessons that may be going on at that time.
During the time that the said horse is in the custody of Stable, Stable shall NOT be liable for any sickness, disease, theft, death or injury which may be suffered by the horse. This includes , but is not limited to, any personal injury or disability the horse may receive while on Stableʼs premises. Owner fully understands and hereby acknowledges that Stable does not carry any insurance on any horse(s) not owned by Stable, including, but not limited to, such insurance for boarding or any other purposes, for which the horse is covered under any public liability, accidental injury, theft or equine mortality insurance, and that all risks relating to boarding of horse, or for any other reason, for which the horse is in the possession of Stable, are to be borne by Owner.
Owner agrees to hold Stable harmless from any claim resulting from damage or injury caused by said horse, Owner or his guests and invitees, to anyone, including but not limited to legal fees and/or expenses incurred by Stable in defense of such claims. Owner agrees to disclose any and all hazardous or dangerous propensities of horse(s) boarded with stable.
Stable agrees to attempt to contact Owner should Stable feel that medical treatment is needed for said horse, however, if Stable is unable to contact Owner in amount of time deemed reasonable by Stable, Stable is then authorized to secure emergency veterinary, and farrier care as deemed necessary by STABLE for the health and well-being of said horse. All costs of such care incurred shall be paid by Owner. Owner agrees that Stable is authorized, as Ownerʼs agent, to arrange direct billing to Owner.
Current veterinarian(s) used by Owner: ______________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________________
Current farrier(s) used by Owner: ___________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Owner agrees to notify Stable of any and all change of addresses, emergency telephone numbers, itineraries or other information reasonably necessary to contact Owner in the event of an emergency. In the event Owner departs for vacation or is otherwise unavailable, prior to departure Owner shall notify Stable as to what party is authorized to make decisions in the Ownerʼs place with regard to the health, well-being, and/or medical treatment of the horse.
Owners Emergency Contact number(s)_____________________________________
Alternate Emergency Contact_____________________________________________
Limits of Care:
If Stable is unable to contact Owner and emergency veterinary/farrier care exceeds $__________________, Owner gives Stable permission to discontinue care and/or euthanize horse if veterinarian recommends it. Owner agrees that by leaving the limits of care section blank, Stable shall not put a limit on emergency veterinary care for the horse.
___________________________ Owners Initials
If this section is left blank, Stable shall assume there are no limits of care, and Owner will be responsible for ALL veterinary/farrier expenses.
Does horse have any of the following medical issues, if yes please explain:
Allergies: ______________________________________________________________
Lameness:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Owner agrees to provide the necessary shoeing and deworming of the horse as is reasonably necessary, at Ownerʼs expense. Owner agrees to have the horse dewormed and vaccinated on a regular schedule.
Owner agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations of the stable. Owner agrees he/she and his/her guests and invitees will be bound and abide by these Rules, and accepts responsibility for the conduct of his guests and invitees according to these rules. Owner acknowledges the Rules include but are not limited to:
Stable Safety Rules
Stable Hours of Operation
Notice of Required Release and Waiver for ALL riders
ASTM/SEI Certified Helmet must be worn by ALL riders when mounted
Statement of Applicable State Equine Liability Laws
Required Veterinary Care
Stable may revise these Rules from time to time and Owner agrees any revision shall have the same force and effect as current Rules. Failure, as determined in Stableʼs sole discretion, of Owner or Ownerʼs guests and invitees to abide by Stable Rules may result in Stable declaring Owner in default hereunder and result in termination of this Agreement.
Owner may store certain tack and equipment on the premises of Stable at no additional charge to Owner. However, Stable shall not be responsible for the theft, loss, damage or disappearance of any tack or equipment or other property stored at Stable as same is stored at the Ownerʼs risk. Stable shall not be liable for the theft, loss, damage or disappearance of any tack or equipment taken to horse shows or clinics. Upon termination of this agreement Owner must remove all tack and equipment from the stable within 7 days. Owner agrees that any tack or equipment left at the Stable after 7 days will become property of the Stable and will not be returned.
Owner, and Owners guests and agents agree to the following:
A.) They shall not feed, turn-out, walk, work, ride, saddle, injure, whip, harass, or otherwise use or interact in any way with any other horse at Stable without permission of Stable or that horse’s owner.
B.) They will not smoke, drink alcohol or use any illegal substances while on Stables property.
C.) They will not mount any horse without an ASTM / SEI certified helmet. Owner and guests will sign a liability waiver before handling or riding any horse.
This Agreement may not be assigned by Owner without the express written consent of Stable.
Owner agrees that thirty (30) days written notice shall be given to Stable as to the termination of this Agreement. Stable agrees that thirty (30) days written notice shall be given Owner as to the termination of this agreement. In the event that the OWNERS horse shows signs of aggression or other dangerous behavior, STABLE can terminate this agreement with 2 weeks written notice.
Any action or claim brought by Owner against Stable for breach of this Contract or for loss due to negligence must be brought within one (1) year of the date such claim or loss occurs.
The changes of any rates by the Stable must be posted in a conspicuous or open place in Stableʼs office shall constitute notice of any and all rate changes or regulation changes as may be deemed appropriate by Stable. Stable must give 30 days notice for rate changes.
Owner is put on notice that Stable has and may assert and exercise a right of lien, as provided for by the laws of the State of Connecticut, for any amount due for the board and keep of horse and also for any storage or other charges due here under, and further agrees stable shall have the right, without process of law, to attach a lien to your horse and all property stored on the premises after 30 days of non-payment or partial payment and Stable can then sell horse to recover its loss.
In the event of any dispute or disagreement relating in any manner whatsoever to this Agreement the parties agree and consent to engage in mediation in a good faith effort to resolve the dispute amicably before either party resorts to court action.
This Agreement is subject to the laws of the State of Connecticut.
____________________________________________________ _______________
Owner’s Signature Date
____________________________________________________ _______________
Stable’s Signature